Application Domains

Application Domains

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Invited Lectures

Jean-Pierre Talpin gave a series of invited lectures on synchronous programming and on Polychrony at the Ecole Centrale de Pékin and at Beihang University, May 2012, in Beijing, China.

Jean-Pierre Talpin was invited at the 2012 ACM/IEEE Conference on Logic in Computer Science, in June 2012, Dubrovnik, to receive the ACM/IEEE LICS Test of Time Award. He gave a short presentation on the technical challenges and theoretical breakthroughs of his awarded paper: “A type and effect discipline”, with his co-author Pierre Jouvelot.

Jean-Pierre Talpin participated to the Dagstuhl meeting on Architecture-Driven Semantic Analysis of Embedded Systems in June 2012, and presented the tools developped by ESPRESSO for co-modeling embedded software architectures with Polychrony.

Jean-Pierre Talpin gave an invited presentation on extending AADL with a timed annex at the AADL standardisation committee and SAE conference, October 2012 in Phoenix, a followup of which is the definition by the ESPRESSO project-team of a synchronous annex for AADL.


Jean-Pierre Talpin is a member of the steering committee of the ACM-IEEE conference on methods and models for co-design (MEMOCODE) and of the editorial board of the EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems. He served as technical program committee member for the following conferences:

Jean-Pierre Talpin co-organized with Elisabeth Lebret the 19th. edition of the synchronous programming workshop, held in Le Croisic, November 2012 (http://synchron2012.inria.fr ).

Thierry Gautier served as technical program commitee member for the conference ESLsyn 2012 (http://www.ecsi.org/eslsyn2012 ) and MEMOCODE 2012 (http://memocode.irisa.fr/2012/MEMOCODE%202012.html ).